Arabic ((لعربي
Chinese Simplified (简体中文)
Chinese Traditional (繁體中文)
Czech (čeština)
Farsi/Persian ((فارسی
French (Français)
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USD - United States Dollar
GBP - United Kingdom Pounds
THB - Thailand Baht
AED - United Arab Emirates Dirhams
ARS - Argentina Pesos
AUD - Australia Dollars
BOB - Bolivia Bolivianos
BRL - Brazil Reais
CAD - Canada Dollars
CHF - Switzerland Francs
CLP - Chile Pesos
CNY - China Yuan Renminbi
COP - Colombia Pesos
CZK - Czech Republic Koruny
DKK - Denmark Kroner
EGP - Egypt Pounds
EUR - Euro
HKD - Hong Kong Dollars
HUF - Hungary Forint
IDR - Indonesia Rupiahs
ILS - Israel New Shekels
INR - India Rupees
IQD - Iraq Dinars
JPY - Japan Yen
KES - Kenya Shillings
KRW - South Korea Won
KWD - Kuwait Dinars
MXN - Mexico Pesos
MYR - Malaysia Ringgits
NOK - Norway Kroner
NZD - New Zealand Dollars
OMR - Oman Rials
PEN - Peru Nuevos Soles
PHP - Philippines Pesos
PKR - Pakistan Rupees
PLN - Poland Zlotych
QAR - Qatar Riyals
RUB - Russia Rubles
SAR - Saudi Arabia Riyals
SEK - Sweden Kronor
SGD - Singapore Dollars
TRY - Turkey Lira
TWD - Taiwan New Dollars
UYU - Uruguay Pesos
VND - Vietnam Dong
ZAR - South Africa Rand
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